North Shore Airport Weather

  1. This weather station and the assoicated AWIB broadcasting on 130.45 is located at the North Shore Airport at 300 Postman Rd, Albany Auckland and is operated by the North Shore Aero Club.
  2. Equipment consists of a Davis Vantage Pro 2 sensor pack, a Davis wireless repeater to get the signal across the airport, a Davis console to receive the wireless data, a Davis IP logger that puts the data on the club's internal network, and a Smartbedded UG Metobridge which reformats, accumulates, and distributes data. The AWIB uses Microsoft's text to speech technology to created audio which is fed into an ICOM A120E radio.
  3. Weather data is received by the AWIB and converted to speech for broadcast in near real time.
  4. All critical items are battery and UPS protected.
  5. Met data from the site is displayed on the Airport's web site and also passed to the following 3rd party networks:
    • Weather Underground,
    • US based CWOP/APRS (Citizen Weather Observation Programme),
    • UK MET service who in turn push it back to the NZ Met Service "Your Weather",
    • WindGuru/WindFinder network, and
    • Davis WeatherLink network.
    Data is updated to these networks as frequently as they will accept it and is immediately available.
  6. All 3rd party weather networks provide browser access, and most also provide very convenient mobile phone applications, to view both current and historical data from individual stations. There seems little point in us re-implementing these applications.
  7. The following mobile phone & tablet applications may be of interest:
    • From Weather Underground: WUNDERSTATION, our station id is IAUCKLAN658, also STORM, same id.
    • From Davis: WEATHERLINK, search for station NZNE.
    • From WINDY, our station id is FW1494.
    • [please email any further suggestions]
  8. The station website has been designed to work equally well on PC's, tablets,and mobile devices. That said, it does require a modern HTML5 compatible browser and may not work correctly on older devices.
  9. It is recommended that the direct access URL "" is saved as a favourite to your mobile phone's home page
  10. The web site main page will automatically refesh each minute with the latest data.
  11. Please email comments and suggestions concerning the station to
Change log
  1. 1/9/2017 - Installed
  2. 4/12/2017 - Solar powered wireless repeater installed. Without this the placement of the anemometer was limited to within 2-300m of the club house. Located 10m north of the eastern hangers the repeater is able to relay sensor data from effectively anywhere on the airfield to the club house.
  3. 5/12/2017 - Anemometer and external sensors re-located from club hanger roof to the base of the R/W 21 windsock 30m to the east of the R/W 21 threshold to improve performance (less building influence and turbulence).
  4. 10/2/2018 - Wind direction rounded to nearest 10 degree to comply with stds.
  5. 11/2/2018 - Std. Light/Moderate/Heavy rain rate translation added to 1st panel. This will only appear if there is rain detected in the previous 24hrs.
  6. 28/11/18 - Cosmetic formating updates